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Some of the most iconic images in the world are sports photos: Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston, Usain Bolt celebrating his world record breaking sprint in the Olympics, Joe DiMaggio batting against the Washington Senators in 1941…whether you know these images by my descriptions or not, you’ve almost certainly seen them.

世界上一些最具标志性的图像是体育照片:穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)站在桑尼·利斯顿(Sonny Liston)上,乌桑·博尔特(Usain Bolt)庆祝他的世界纪录打破了奥运会的冲刺,乔·迪马乔(Joe DiMaggio)于1941年与华盛顿参议员(Washington Senators)交手……您是否通过我的描述知道了这些图像还是没有,您几乎肯定会看到它们。

There’s something about sports images that makes them stick out. So, let’s look at how to take our own great sports photos.

关于运动图像的某些东西使它们脱颖而出。 因此,让我们看看如何拍摄自己的出色运动照片。

I mainly shoot winter sports and the odd bit of rugby and MMA, so those are the photos I’ll be using as examples in this article. However, most of the principles are pretty general, so you can apply them to whatever sport you want.

我主要拍摄冬季运动以及橄榄球和MMA的奇特作品,所以这些是我将在本文中用作示例的照片。 但是,大多数原理都很笼统,因此您可以将其应用于任何您想要的运动。

什么使运动照片好 (What Makes a Good Sports Photo)

Sports are emotional. People are standing in a field (or court, or ring) giving everything they’ve got in front of a crowd, whether it’s ten people or ten million people. There is nothing subtle and restrained going on—it’s raw. And your sports photos need to show that.

运动是情感的。 人们站在一块田地(或法院或环)上,向群众展示他们所拥有的一切,无论是十个人还是一千万人。 没有什么微妙和克制的事情,这是原始的。 您的运动照片需要证明这一点。

A technically perfect photo of someone throwing a football is boring. You want to see the calculation in the quarterback, the determination and power in the linebacker bearing down on him, the skill and effort the players have put in over the years, and the tension in the whole scene.

某人投掷足球的技术上完美的照片很无聊。 您希望看到四分卫的计算,后卫的决心和力量,他的能力,球员多年来的技能和努力以及整个现场的紧张气氛。

A good sports photo should make you feel like you’re there. You should look at an image and almost be able to hear the crowd cheering, to feel the pain of the losing team, and so on. It should capture what it is like to stand their and watch things happen in real time.

出色的运动照应该会让您觉得自己在那里。 您应该看一眼图像,几乎可以听到人群的欢呼声,感受到失败者团队的痛苦,等等。 它应该捕获站立并观看事件实时发生的感觉。

It should get to the heart of the particular sport. If it’s a technical discipline like gymnastics, every line should be smooth and muscle tense; the subject should look poised. If it’s something more brutal like weightlifting, you want to see the sweat run down the lifter’s face, the ridiculous expression they make when they exert themselves, and so on. For motor sports, you want to show the speed of everything; for snooker or chess, it’s all about the deliberate concentration. Think what is at the heart of the sport you’re shooting, and try to capture that.

它应该成为特定运动的核心。 如果是像体操这样的技术学科,那么每条线都应该平滑且肌肉紧张; 该主题看起来应该保持平衡。 如果像举重这样更残酷的话,您希望看到汗水流到举重运动员的脸上,他们在发挥力量时会表现出可笑的表情,等等。 对于赛车运动,您想展示一切的速度; 对于斯诺克或国际象棋,一切都与刻意集中有关。 想一想您正在拍摄的运动的核心是什么,然后尝试抓住它。

技术细节 (The Technical Details)

Technically, sports shooting is quite simple. You normally need and…well, that’s about it. Things like depth of field and digital noise are secondary concerns.

从技术上讲,体育射击非常简单。 通常,您需要,好吧,仅此而已。 像景深和数字噪声之类的问题是次要问题。

The easiest way to get a fast shutter speed is to . Before the game starts, take a few test shots to dial in your settings. Depending on the sport, you’ll need a minimum shutter speed somewhere between 1/100th of a second and 1/1000th of a second. The faster the sport, the faster the shutter speed you need. Use whatever aperture and ISO combination will let you get the speeds you need.

获得快速快门速度的最简单方法是。 在游戏开始之前,请进行一些测试以拨入您的设置。 根据运动的不同,您需要的最小快门速度介于1/100秒和1/1000秒之间。 运动越快,所需的快门速度就越快。 使用任何光圈和ISO组合均可让您获得所需的速度。

Especially if you’re shooting indoors, this could mean pushing the ISO higher than you would like. The image below was shot at a wrestling competition. There’s a lot of digital noise because, to keep my shutter speed high enough in the low light, I had to have my ISO up above 6400.

尤其是在室内拍摄时,这可能意味着将ISO推高至您想要的水平。 下图是在摔跤比赛中拍摄的。 数字噪音很大,因为要在昏暗的光线下保持足够高的快门速度,我必须使ISO达到6400以上。

The other two things that matter are autofocus and shooting speed. When you’re shooting sports, things happen quickly and change fast. Your camera needs to be ready for that. Set your autofocus to Continuous and the shooting speed to the highest burst mode your camera has. This way, when you point your camera and push the shutter button, it will start shooting as many photos as it can straight away while adjusting the focus to track whatever is happening.

其他重要的两件事是自动对焦和拍摄速度。 当您拍摄运动时,事情会Swift发生并且变化很快。 您的相机需要为此做好准备。 将自动对焦设置为连拍,并将拍摄速度设置为相机具有的最高连拍模式。 这样,当您对准相机并按下快门按钮时,它将立即拍摄尽可能多的照片,同时调整焦点以跟踪发生的一切。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

When you’re photographing sports, always keep shooting. You never really know when something dramatic or interesting is going to happen. What looks like an average play could suddenly, with one linebreak, turn into the game winning one. A boxer could land that knockout punch at any moment. Keep your camera out, your finger on the shutter button and be ready to snap a burst of photos at any instant. 95% of the photos might be duds, but the few good ones will more than make up for it.

在拍摄运动时,请始终保持拍摄状态。 您永远不会真正知道什么时候会发生戏剧性或有趣的事情。 看起来像是一场普通比赛,突然之间只有一个换行符就可以赢得一场比赛。 拳击手可以随时降落。 将相机放在外面,用手指按快门按钮,随时准备拍摄一连串照片。 95%的照片可能有些古板,但很少有好照片能弥补这些不足。

We’re huge fans of , but unless you’re a professional, it can make sense to use JPEG when you’re shooting sports. During an 80 minute rugby game, I’ll shoot thousands of photos. If each of these is 40 MB, that’s a ridiculous amount of storage space. When you’re doing it professionally, you need the extra flexibility, but most amateurs don’t need to buy a new hard drive ever month just to store sports photos.

我们是忠实拥护者,但是除非您是专业人士,否则在拍摄体育比赛时使用JPEG是有意义的。 在80分钟的橄榄球比赛中,我将拍摄数千张照片。 如果每个都是40 MB,那么这是一个可笑的存储空间。 当您专业地工作时,您需要额外的灵活性,但是大多数业余爱好者不必每个月都购买新的硬盘来存储运动照片。

Sports photographers generally use long lenses so they can get a better view of the action. If you’re at one end of a football field and something is happening all the way down the other end, your 18-55mm kit lens won’t be that much use. If you can buy, rent or borrow a telephoto lens, it will make things easier, but don’t let that stop you. You can always follow things by running up and down the side of the pitch, or pick a position that will have good action and wait.

体育摄影师通常使用长焦距镜头,以便可以更好地观看动作。 如果您在足球场的一端,而在另一端一直在发生某些事情,那么18-55mm套件镜头就不会那么有用。 如果您可以购买,租借或借用远摄镜头,它将使事情变得简单,但不要因此而受阻。 您始终可以通过在音高的侧面上奔跑来跟踪事物,也可以选择一个可以采取良好动作的姿势并等待。

While zooming in close is good, make sure to show what’s happening. A close up of a players face at a crucial moment can be interesting, but people need to look at your images and know what’s going on. Make sure to include the ball, other players, and other parts of the action in your photos, even when you’re only focusing on one player. In the photo below, it’s pretty clear exactly what’s happening.

虽然放大关闭效果不错,但请确保显示正在发生的事情。 在关键时刻特写玩家的脸很有趣,但是人们需要查看您的图像并知道发生了什么。 确保只将球,其他球员和动作的其他部分包括在照片中,即使您只专注于一个球员。 在下面的照片中,可以很清楚地知道发生了什么。

With most sports, you’ve got no control over what happens. The players go out, do their thing, and you just try to capture it. For some sports, like skiing, you actually will sometimes have a say. I can work with the subject, tell them what to do, position myself, and make them do things again. If you have a small amount of control, use it. It will make it easier to get awesome photos.

在大多数运动中,您无法控制会发生什么。 玩家出去做自己的事情,而您只是想抓住它。 对于某些运动,例如滑雪,您有时有时会有发言权。 我可以与这个主题一起工作,告诉他们该怎么做,摆好自己的位置,然后让他们再次做事。 如果控制量很少,请使用它。 这将使获取真棒照片变得更加容易。

There’s more to sports than the on-field action: there’s also the culture and the crowd. Take photos of the players and athletes before and after the game, turn your camera around and take photos of the fans. Just because it’s not a photo of someone throwing a ball, it doesn’t mean it’s not a great sports photo. Use your or to document things.

体育不仅仅是现场活动,还有文化和人群。 在比赛前后为球员和运动员拍照,转动相机并为球迷拍照。 仅仅因为它不是某人扔球的照片,并不意味着它不是很棒的运动照片。 利用您的或来记录事物。

Finally, one of the best ways to get better at sports photography is to look at great sports photos and get inspired. Look at the moments that are being captured, how the players are positioned in the frame, and so on. Just having a flick through the sports section of your local paper or favorite news website every few days, can really keep you thinking.

最后,要提高运动摄影水平的最佳方法之一就是欣赏出色的运动照片并获得启发。 查看捕获的时刻,播放器在帧中的位置等。 每隔几天浏览一下本地报纸或喜爱的新闻网站的体育版块,就可以真正让您思考。

It doesn’t matter whether you’re shooting an NFL game or your kid playing football on a Saturday, it’s all sports photography and the same guidelines apply. As always, take what you need from this article, feel free to break every rule, and enjoy.

无论您是在拍摄NFL游戏还是在周六玩足球的孩子,这都是体育摄影,并且适用相同的准则。 与往常一样,从本文中获取您需要的东西,随意打破每条规则,尽情享受。



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